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West Bradley Community Update: November – December 2011

Friday, November 11th, 2011

Welcome: Special greetings to the approximately fifty families that have been added to the West Bradley Citizens’ Association (WBCA) listserv this autumn! We hope that you find this general announcement/security alert service helpful. For those interested in more informal exchanges of information, sign up for one or both of our discussion listservs by contacting (for east of Seven Locks Road) and (for the western half of our community). These discussion listservs provide a helpful forum for everything from sharing advice about good repair companies, to letting neighbors know about special charities in which WBCA residents are directly involved over the upcoming holidays. We continue to seek updates to our listserv so that we can reach the maximal number of neighbors in case of emergency so let us know when your email changes or a new family moves into your immediate neighborhood.

Security Information: Due to the recent, brazen mid-day home burglary in our community, residents have requested updated contacts for local police. For those in District 2 (living east of Seven Locks Road), the newly-appointed commander is Captain David Falcinelli. Phone: 301-652-9200. For those in District 1 (living west of Seven Locks Road), the commander is Captain James Fenner. Phone: 240-773-6070. In case of emergency, call 9-1-1. For a general non-emergency police alert, call 301-279-8000.

Info on Health Benefits: Congressman Chris Van Hollen is sponsoring the annual forum on health benefits. Though focused especially on Federal programs, the forum provides excellent general information. Date: Thursday, Nov. 17. Time: 7:00- 9:00 PM. Place: Executive Office Building, 101 Monroe Street, Rockville. Free parking in County garage. Experts from the Federal Government and insurance representatives will discuss health plan options and changes for the next year due to health reform and other factors and be available to answer questions.

Info on County Services: The Montgomery County Civic Federation will present a program on the County’s five Regional Services Centers on Monday, Nov. 14, 7:45-10:00 PM at the County Council Office Building, 100 Maryland Avenue, Rockville. Free parking in adjacent garage. This program will provide an excellent opportunity to learn about the wealth of services available to all residents. The contact for our community is Ken Hartman, director of the Bethesda-Chevy Chase Center. He’s the one-stop answer to just about any question you might have about County services (240-777-8200).

Proposed Telecommunications Tower at Seven Locks/Bradley Intersection: In response to the views expressed by the community and endorsed by the Board, WBCA has registered opposition to Verizon’s petition for an expanded facility which could ultimately include a 200-foot tower. Those interested in this issue can attend the Board of Appeals hearing on Nov. 28 at the County Council Office Building. Thanks to community residents for their input into the WBCA letter requesting denial of the petition.

May 2011 update

Sunday, May 15th, 2011


1) Crime Alert: Neighbors just notified us of the break-in burglary that occurred at their home on Glennon Drive during the night of May 9. The burglar appears to have jimmied the garage door and basement door and entered the home while the residents were asleep. Any information that anyone can provide should be provided to the police. Let them (and West Bradley) know as well if any other incidents have occurred recently in our community. Police Chief Tom Manger stressed at a community forum this month that there are increasing numbers of break-ins of cars. He stressed the need to lock cars and not leave any valuables in your cars.

(2) Consumer Forum: See announcement below on event which could provide valuable information.
Congressman Chris Van Hollen invites you to forum:

“Your Money Matters
Financial Consumer Protection
For Today’s Economy”

With Special Guest Professor Elizabeth Warren
Assistant to the President
Special Advisor to the Secretary of the Treasury, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

Held in Cooperation with
The Montgomery County Office of Consumer Protection

Talk to experts, gather information and learn more about:

Mail fraud * Check fraud * Lotteries and sweepstake scams
Cell phone billing practices * Investment scams * Foreclosure prevention
Housing rescue scams * New rules for credit cards and ATM cards
Credit reports and scores * Identity theft * Reverse mortgages * Buying insurance
Safe computing issues, spam, firewalls, spyware/malware * Tips to help keep kids safe online
Medicare fraud * Long-term care issues
Benefit advice for veterans and Social Security recipients * And more.

When: Tuesday, May 17, 2011, 7 – 9 p.m
Where: Silver Spring Civic Center
One Veterans Plaza, corner of Fenton St. and Ellsworth Dr.
Silver Spring, Maryland 20910
Questions: Please call 301- 424- 3501.

If you need special accommodations, please call 301-424-3501.
Parking is available at the In-Town Garage, 801 Ellsworth Dr., across the street from the Center.