Archive for October, 2011

Verizon project at 7 Locks and Bradley

Wednesday, October 5th, 2011

Several residents have asked about the proposed project at the intersection of Seven Locks Road and Bradley Boulevard. The notice posted on the property across from Seven Locks Elementary School concerns the Verizon petition for a special exception of Section 59-G-2.58 of the Zoning Ordinance to permit replacing the radio tower on the site (7887 Bradley Boulevard) with a new telecommunications facility. That facility would include a 105-foot monopole, nine panel antennas, three dishes and three future antennas, eighteen Tower Mounted Amplifiers, and a support structure to hold two telecommunication carriers. The notice for Case No. S-2762 includes more details on the 2726 square-foot equipment compound including 10-20-foot concrete pad and provision for three future equipment pads. There will be a public hearing in the County Council Office Building on November 28, 2011 or “as soon thereafter as this matter can be heard.”

The WBCA Board has flagged this item for the Seven Locks PTA because of the possible health implications for children at the new Seven Locks building and also alerted neighboring community associations that are even more directly affected by the project. Any residents who would be interested in working on this project or who have more information on the subject or views you want registered should email Sandy Vogelgesang at Copies of material about the project can be obtained from the Montgomery County Board of Appeals. Based on what we learn, WBCA may request an informational meeting or make a formal presentation at the public hearing in November.

West Bradley Community Update – Fall 2011

Monday, October 3rd, 2011

As all of us in the West Bradley community begin to enjoy the cooling and colorful days of autumn, there’s lots to report!

  • Great trail in our neighborhood! One of the best places to enjoy autumn is right here in our own background! Walk along the Cabin John Stream Valley Trail in the park which forms the western boundary of the West Bradley Citizens’ Association and you will be transported by the beauty of the sparkling stream and towering trees. The trail goes from MacArthur Boulevard to Goya Drive. For map, visit Trails/trail_maps.shtm and click on Cabin John Stream Valley Trail. You can access this trail from the parking spaces along River Road (near Carderock Springs Drive) or Bradley Boulevard (near Kentsdale Drive) or at the foot of Charred Oak Drive at intersection with Hollyoak or along Cindy Lane.
  • New school to open! Seven Locks Elementary School will return to its original site in just three months – on January 4, 2012! One of the projects undertaken by the SLES PTA and surrounding community, including West Bradley, is to work with the C and O National Park Service to reflect the history of the Canal in the new school. The plan is to use photographs of Canal families, maps, models of canal barges and landscaping to help bring this unique heritage to life for students. Once specific displays have been identified and costs estimated, we will let all who are interested know how they can help support this celebration of our local history!
  • Latest from Pepco! Tom Graham, Pepco president, has responded to the many complaints from our area about unreliable service. His recent letter highlights the increased tree trimming in our area as one means to help prevent damage to power lines. We know that many in our community were pleasantly surprised when they did not lose power during Hurricane Irene. That said, let us know if you and your immediate neighbors continue to suffer from unreliable service from Pepco so that we can continue to register those concerns and seek more action.
  • Want to cut energy costs? The Montgomery County and Maryland governments are working with Pepco to encourage more energy efficiency through rebates. To learn more about these programs, see and On the Pepco site, you can sign up for a “Quick Home Energy Check-up” (free if the surveyor installs at least three energy-savings products) or a “Comprehensive Home Energy Audit” ($100 for 2-4 hour inspection and written report which may qualify you for rebates). One good source for assessing the reputation of firms participating in this program is Washington Consumers’ Checkbook (
  • Not too soon to plan ahead for winter! Several residents have asked whether West Bradley residents could share information on individuals or firms who provide reliable snow removal. For starters, we’d welcome hearing of local youngsters who would be interested in being on a list of those available to earn money shoveling snow. We’d also appreciate leads on others who could be relied on to shovel snow in our area. Dispatch your suggestions to either or both of our discussion listservs. For instructions on accessing those listservs, go to West Bradley Citizens Association website (
  • Interested in the latest on County crime? Police Chief Tom Manger will address the next meeting of the Montgomery County Civic Federation, Monday, October 11. Place: County Council Office Building (first-floor auditorium), 100 Maryland Avenue, Rockville. Starting time: 7:45 PM. Free parking in adjacent garage. Manger is a great speaker. He’s set to discuss everything from gang violence and Neighborhood Watch Programs, to the proposed Teen Curfew Bill. After his one-hour program (including Q and A), there will be reports on other key local issues. West Bradley belongs to the Civic Federation (the umbrella organization for County civic associations). All residents are welcome to attend any monthly meeting of the Federation (second Monday of each month). For more information, see www.
  • Kudos to local hero! A big shout-out to Duncan Seguin, son of Matt and Ellen who live in West Bradley. His quick thinking and application of CPR saved the life of the senior referee at a recent soccer tournament. Well-done!
  • Request to dog walkers! Several neighbors have asked us to issue a friendly reminder. Please clean up after your pets and assure that they do not run too exuberantly through prized flower beds.
  • Next steps on listservs and suggestions for Board! Your WBCA Board met this summer. One of our main goals is to update the announcement listserv used for general announcements and emergency alerts. That list is only as good as its data. To keep it up-to-date, we need YOUR input! Everyone can help – from street captains to any resident of West Bradley. Let us know when your email changes or when someone new moves onto your block. Just email name and contact information to Sandy Vogelgesang at In the meantime, the Board continues to welcome your ideas and questions. If you want to suggest events or flag concerns, let us know (contact information at
  • Welcome! Finally, to those who are new to our neighborhood or new to our listserv, a warm welcome!